Friday, January 14, 2011

Dessert Wine - Under $10

Resplendy Muscat de Saint Jean De Minervois........ from Narbonne, in the south of France.

The name of this wine makes it sound very sophisticated and expensive.....however, I found it for under $10 at Total Wines (5 locations in California) and was nicely surprised.  This wine is deep yellow-gold in color with sweet notes of honey, almond and caramel.  I had been searching for a dessert wine that feels like dessert - one that is truly sweet and satisfying.  This particular wine delivered with its rich and full-bodied flavor.

This wine is too sweet to be served with very rich desserts. Instead, pair it with bittersweet desserts, fresh berries, dessert cheeses or a fresh fruit tart.

1 comment:

  1. I tried this wine and loved it too! The honey really comes through with a hint of the caramel. This is one that will always be in stock at our house!
